Welcome to Central Oregon Chicken Coops. My name is Steve Herbert and I have been a contractor for over 20 years. Of those 20+ years I have built custom homes, home renovations and built chicken coops on the side. As of 2020 I went full time building coops.
My wife Sarah handles our website, scheduling and all of our customer communications. Our son Blake helps assemble our coops on site and our middle daughter stains all of our coops! We like to keep it in the family.
We build and deliver 12 months out of the year. We build our coops during the week and deliver on Saturdays. We love what we do as a family and enjoy being home working together as a family.
We recently moved from Terrebonne, Oregon to Sprague River, Oregon to start our long time dream of having family farm and growing our own food. Although we loved Central Oregon we have a bit more land options here and it opened up delivery to CA as well.
We have raised our own chickens for over 15 years now. We have raised egg layers, dual purpose, Game Bantams and meat birds. Our son showed the Game Bantams for 4-H and has also raised Cornish Cross for the market pen. Since our move we have added turkeys, ducks, horses and pigs! We have over 50 animals on our farm currently. It's been a lot of fun and an exciting adventure for our family.
After looking around at our competition, we felt that we could provide a much better product at a lower cost. Our goal from the beginning has been to provide the best value that can be found anywhere.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at our coops. Please let us know if we can help with your backyard chickens!